Sally Stuart commenced her career with LINK after working with medical doctors from a sales and recruitment perspective for more than a decade. After selling GP, Dental, Allied Health, Aged Care and NDIS businesses for the last 6 years, she is well versed in understanding the intricacies involves in a sale. Sally can be your sales 'ringleader' when you are ready to transition to the next stage in your professional career, be that retirement or the acquisition of a super clinic! 

It might be that you are just thinking about selling, so now is the right time to discuss a plan and strategize together to make a plan you feel comfortable with in order to get your clinic 'sales ready'. Reach out on 0437 082 045 for a confidential chat about your individual situation.

The sale of a clinic require many steps including but not limited to contract negotiations, buyer registration and compliance, financial statement interpretation, site visit co-ordination, state compliance, legal liaison, deposit management, and multi-party communications so if you can see the value in getting a non-emotionally involved 3rd party broker to assist you traverse your way through this potential mine-field of steps, please reach out to Sally today on any of the numbers above. 

Based in Sydney and most recently trained with the Australian Institute of Business Brokers, Sally can assist you to sell your business quicker and for a better rate than potentially you thought possible. Be assured of getting the best one-on-one service from this broker with the company support of LINK Business behind her!

Feature Interview in Bsale Magazine


Sally Stuart Interview
December 2020

Meet The Specialist Medical Broker Sally Stuart

By Vanessa Lovie on 4th December 2020

Selling a medical or dental practice takes knowledge and experience. Understanding your clients, and their needs and having regular contact within the industry is important to a successful sale. We speak with Sally Stuart who is a specialised business broker and can assist doctors, physicians, dentists and allied health professionals in selling and buying medical businesses for sale in Sydney.

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16 min read

Published Articles

Exiting a Business with a Business Plan

Exiting a Business with a Business Plan

Sally Stuart1 November 2022

‘Swimming with great whites from within a cage’...Build your own protection by building a strong plan! The default exit is structured around when the owner wants to exit.  Failure to evaluate if the business is ready for an exit typically ends... Read More » 9 min read

6 Reasons to Choose your Business Broker Wisely!

6 Reasons to Choose your Business Broker Wisely!

Sally Stuart1 July 2022

As a business owner, you need to be aware of your options when it comes time to sell a business. It's important to be in contact with a business broker so they can guide you through the process from establishing an exit strategy to final settlement. How... Read More » 6 min read

Now is the Best Time in the History of the World to Sell Your Business

Now is the Best Time in the History of the World to Sell Your...

Sally Stuart1 December 2021

For health practice owners, 2021 has been as hard as it gets. With lockdown in Sydney from June – October …. practice owner’s fatigue & exhaustion is real. I’m sure you have felt it in the last 12-18months. Whether you are a part of eit... Read More » 3 min read

Interested in Sally?

How to Choose a Broker

Know what's important when choosing your business broker.


Guide to Selling a Business

Understand what it takes to get your business prepared, advertised and sold! 



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