Baton Advisory

Baton Advisory

We chose the name ‘Baton Advisory’ to evoke the image of a Baton being handed seamlessly from one hand to another by a relay team who demonstrate flawless technique, outstanding teamwork and precision born of hours of practice. 

Passing on the Baton of business ownership also requires expertise, trust and preparation. A business sale is not just a financial transaction – it also represents the letting go of a huge part of someone’s very being and impacts on the wider team of employees, customers, suppliers, friends and family. 

Why Engage Baton?

Here at Baton Advisory, we see our role as being more than simply facilitating a deal.

When we work on behalf of the seller, we guide them through unchartered waters, we protect them from cunning purchasers and we help them achieve the best possible outcome.

When we are engaged by the purchaser, we present them with acquisition opportunities that create strong synergies, growing their business value and enhancing their operations.

In all situations, we are driven by integrity, professionalism, care and dedication.

Mike Guyomar

Mike Guyomar

Baton Advisory


Mike founded Baton Advisory in 2018 and manages the business as well as being the primary deal maker. Mike graduated in Philosophy, Politics & Economics from Oxford, gained his MBA from Massey Uni...

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