Learn about Business Opportunity Scams

by 4th of April, 2013

SCAMwatch is the government website that keeps you informed of current scams and fraudulent activity that has been reported. It is important to learn about business opportunity scams before purchasing.

There are a number of great business opportunities and work from home businesses available. Unfortunately not everyone in the world is honest and has your best interests at heart, so please make sure when buying a business you go through the process of due diligence, visit the SCAM website and get your solicitor to investgate the business you are buying and READ the contracts you are signing.

Business opportunity scams - GOV SCAMwatch website

This website provides you some useful information such as what is a business opportunity scam, the warning signs, how to protect yourself, how to do your homework and make a decision. If you feel that the business opportunity is a scam make sure that you report them. 

The website also outlines a number of similar scams such as investment seminars, cold calling, pyramid schemes, work from home scams and so on. 

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We hope this information helps you in making an informed decision when buying a business.

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